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Housework Made Routine

Do you have a cleaning routine?

Years ago, many housewives had a very detailed housework routine with different tasks scheduled for different days of the week. As an example:

* Mondays might be for errands and grocery shopping

* Tuesdays cleaning of the bathrooms and bedrooms

* Wednesday for kitchen and living room cleaning

* Thursday to wash clothes

* Friday ironing and sorting of the clean clothes

* Saturday finishing off any loose ends and starting preparations for a traditional Sunday lunch.

* Sunday, hopefully, was a day of rest!

That kind of household routine is impossible for most of us in this day and age – but thankfully we also have access to top-quality cleaning products which make many tasks much easier than they were in the days of the 1950s housewives.

Do you have a routine? Do you have a work share rota with other members of the household? We’d love to hear about it. Why not let us know on our Facebook page?

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