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How to House Clean with Your Kids

Happy half term! The weather hasn’t been kind to us of late, so you may have found yourself at home with bored children.

Maid Simple would like to suggest a solution… involve them in your housework and make a game of it! It may sound as if we are suggesting something along the lines of slave labour, but encouraging children to help out at an early stage is good practice, according to Netmums.

By teaching them about responsibility and the importance of keeping the house clean you will make them better homekeepers of the future. But we suggest you make housework fun and interesting. One way to do this is with reward charts (for keeping their rooms clean, for example), or having competitions – who can wash the most dishes, or who can put away their toys in record time.

You should not let children use any cleaning chemical products themselves. But while you are zooming round the house with Maid Simple products they can be picking up toys, dusting and changing bedding for example.

It’s a good idea not to make doing chores a punishment for bad behaviour, to avoid cleaning becoming associated with negativity. Regular structure is good too, so that a certain time of day or day in the week is always associated with tidying up. Happy housekeeping!

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